Socially Driven Green Labs capacity building programme

This result offers to HE teachers an innovative and flexible training opportunity on how to apply the SDG Labs programme and integrate environmental-related issues into SE curricula. Thought this programme HE teachers are supported on how to equip students with knowledge and skills that are aligned with the requirements of green labour market and how to establish meaningful local green cooperations schemes within various SE stakeholders.
The capacity building programme is consisted of the following blended learning elements:

  • The SDG labs teachers’ handbook that aims to guide teachers on applying all the important facets of the SDG Labs educational programme. The handbook will contain three modules: “How-to” Guide; Guide for the “Social Economy for a green transition” and Teachers’ Guide on “Using simulation-based learning for supporting SE students practice green skills”.
  • “Social Economy for a green transition” MOOC: Α Massive Online Training Course comprised of multiple modules, whose content is filed by the important facets of the SDG Labs framework and clustered in the following themes that cover key SE areas for the green transition: Renewable energy, Sustainable housing, The circular economy, Sustainable food systems.
  • Face to face learning organising by Partners’ universities.
  • SDG labs online webinars.


    poland  Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland


    greece  Stimmuli for Social Change, Greece

    czech  Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic

    greece  University of Macedonia, Greece

    belgium  The Square Dot team, Belgium

    poland  Association for Social Cooperatives, Poland


    February 2025
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