
Case Study: Fundacja Sendzimira [Sendzimir Foundation]

The Sendzimir Foundation is a non-profit organisation operating in Poland. Its activities focus on the adaptation of cities to climate change, including the adaptation of water infrastructure and the modernisation of buildings in order to apply solutions in cities to reduce CO2 emissions and slow down the process of global warming.

Case Study: Fundacja Sendzimira [Sendzimir Foundation] Read More »

Case Study: The Ale Smacznie Social Cooperative

The Socienia Spółdzielnia Socjalna Ale Smacznie, which is partly supervised by Dąbie Municipality (and of which Dąbie Municipality is the owner), solves three main local social problems: catering services for city cleaning and maintenance of green areas, and the newest service is rehabilitation of the elderly or those in need of such medical assistance.

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